Thursday, July 12, 2012

Petting Zoo at the Flying J in Scipio, UT

This week I had reason to travel a few hundred miles on I-15 with several small children in tow. We looked for ways to break up the trip; this one was quite unique. At the Flying J in Scipio there is a small (free) petting zoo.
Heading for the petting zoo
Unfortunately, it was closed when we visited. We were still able to see most of the animals; we just couldn't get within petting distance. However, the kids still loved this stop

We were able to reach through the fence to pet these guys.

Darling lambs, an emu?, and a goat
In addition to sheep, goats, ponies, and bunnies, this petting zoo has some more exotic animals: turkeys, emus (?), a zebra, and a deer. If you are driving through Scipio and like animals at all, I'd say this place is worth a stop!