Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Y Trail/Slide Canyon Trail to the mouth of Slide Canyon (Provo, Utah)

Rocky outcropping near the mouth of Slide Canyon
 Last week, in search of a way to enjoy the gorgeous weather, we decided to hike the Y and watch the sunset. The Y Trail was, as always, somewhat busy and rather boring. It’s less a hiking trail and more a wide, steep path lacking scenery. However, when we got to the top of the Y we sat and watched the sunset—that was worthwhile. We also enjoyed spotting Venus and Jupiter shining above the city. From the top of the Y, we continued a short ways up the Slide Canyon Trail. The difference between the 2 is incredible. Within 20 feet of the Y, the trail narrows and becomes rocky. Within a couple hundred yards the trail is flanked by tall bushes. They are dead this time of year, but still something new to look at. The trail rises to a rocky outcropping at the mouth of Slide Canyon .

East Bay, Utah Lake
 The night was cloudy, but Slide Canyon , affected by light pollution, could have been lit by a full moon. We stopped there—we’ll continue up the canyon later this year when there is greenery and wildflowers. We took a short spur trail south and around the rocks, and met with an incredible view of Utah Valley . Normally I complain about hiking the Wasatch Front because all the western views are the same—oh look, another cityscape, yay—but something about this view worked for me. It could be that I was perched on the ledge of a boulder, huddled against a slight breeze and watching the colors fade from the sky. There was something magical about that. Whatever the cause, from that point at that time, the view was worth seeing. We sat for at least 20 minutes enjoying the night: the final bird calls of the day, the sudden approach of a bat, and the ever increasing number of lights on in the city.

City lights, Provo, Utah
 If you’re hiking the Y, I highly recommend going at least to the rocks above the Y. Prettier trail, better views, fewer people.